AIRY - Definiția din dicționar
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Air"y (&unr_;), a. 1. Consisting of air; as, an airy substance; the airy parts of bodies.
2. Relating or belonging to air; high in air; aërial; as, an airy flight. “The
3. Open to a free current of air; exposed to the air; breezy; as, an airy situation.
4. Resembling air; thin; unsubstantial; not material; airlike. “An
5. Relating to the spirit or soul; delicate; graceful; as, airy music.
6. Without reality; having no solid foundation; empty; trifling; visionary. “
Empty sound, and
7. Light of heart; vivacious; sprightly; flippant; superficial. “Merry and
8. Having an affected manner; being in the habit of putting on airs; affectedly grand. [Colloq.]
9. (Paint.) Having the light and aërial tints true to nature.