APPLICATION - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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Ap`pli*ca"tion (&unr_;), n. [L.
2. The thing applied.
He invented a new
3. The act of applying as a means; the employment of means to accomplish an end; specific use.
If a right course . . . be taken with children, there will not be much need of the
4. The act of directing or referring something to a particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or disagreement, fitness, or correspondence; as, I make the remark, and leave you to make the application; the application of a theory.
6. The capacity of being practically applied or used; relevancy; as, a rule of general application.
7. The act of fixing the mind or closely applying one's self; assiduous effort; close attention; as, to injure the health by application to study.
Had his
8. The act of making request of soliciting; as, an application for an office; he made application to a court of chancery.
9. A request; a document containing a request; as, his application was placed on file.