- Definiția din dicționar
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Con`stel*la"tion (?), n. [F. constellation, L. constellatio.] 1. A cluster or group of fixed stars, or division of the heavens, designated in most cases by the name of some animal, or of some mythologial personage, within whose imaginary outline, as traced upon the heavens, the group is included.
[1913 Webster]
The constellations seem to have been almost purposely named and delineated to cause as much confusion and inconvenience as possible.
Sir J. Herschel.
[1913 Webster]
&hand_; In each of the constellations now recognized by astronomers (about 90 in number) the brightest stars, both named and unnamed, are designated nearly in the order of brilliancy by the letters of the Greek alphabet; as, α Tauri (Aldebaran) is the first star of Taurus, γ Orionis (Bellatrix) is the third star of Orion.
[1913 Webster]
2. An assemblage of splendors or excellences.
[1913 Webster]
The constellations of genius had already begun to show itself . . . which was to shed a glory over the meridian and close of Philip's reign.
[1913 Webster]
3. Fortune; fate; destiny. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
It is constellation, which causeth all that a man doeth.
[1913 Webster]