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Is"land (?), n. [OE. iland, yland, AS. &ī;gland, &unr_;gland, &unr_;glond; &ī;g, &unr_;g, island + land, lond, land. AS. &ī;g, &unr_;g, is akin to AS. eá water, river, OHG. &unr_;uwa, G. au meadow, Icel. ey island, Dan. & Sw. &ö;, Goth. ahwa a stream, water, L. aqua water. The s is due to confusion with isle. Cf. Ait, Eyot, Ewer, Aquatic.]
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1. A tract of land surrounded by water, and smaller than a continent. Cf. Continent.
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2. Anything regarded as resembling an island; as, an island of ice.
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3. (Zo&ö;l.) See Isle, n., 2.
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Islands of the blessed (Myth.), islands supposed to lie in the Western Ocean, where the favorites of the gods are conveyed at death, and dwell in everlasting joy.
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Is"land (?), v. t. 1. To cause to become or to resemble an island; to make an island or islands of; to isle. Shelley.
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2. To furnish with an island or with islands; as, to island the deep. Southey.
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