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Same (?), a. [AS. same, adv.; akin to OS. sama, samo, adv., OHG. sam, a., sama, adv., Icel. samr, a., Sw. samme, samma, Dan. samme, Goth. sama, Russ. samuii, Gr. &unr_;, Skr. sama, Gr. &unr_; like, L. simul at the same time, similis like, and E. some, a., -some. √191. Cf. Anomalous, Assemble, Homeopathy, Homily, Seem, v. i., Semi-, Similar, Some.] 1. Not different or other; not another or others; identical; unchanged.
[1913 Webster]
Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.
Ps. cii. 27.
[1913 Webster]
2. Of like kind, species, sort, dimensions, or the like; not differing in character or in the quality or qualities compared; corresponding; not discordant; similar; like.
[1913 Webster]
The ethereal vigor is in all the same.
[1913 Webster]
3. Just mentioned, or just about to be mentioned.
[1913 Webster]
What ye know, the same do I know.
Job. xiii. 2.
[1913 Webster]
Do but think how well the same he spends,
Who spends his blood his country to relieve.
[1913 Webster]
&hand_; Same is commonly preceded by the, this, or that and is often used substantively as in the citations above. In a comparative use it is followed by as or with.
[1913 Webster]
Bees like the same odors as we do.
[1913 Webster]
[He] held the same political opinions with his illustrious friend.
[1913 Webster]