GRAVEL - Definiția din dicționar
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Grav"el (?), n. [OF.
2. (Med.) A deposit of small calculous concretions in the kidneys and the urinary or gall bladder; also, the disease of which they are a symptom.
Grav"el, v. t.
1. To cover with gravel; as, to gravel a walk.
2. To run (as a ship) upon the gravel or beach; to run aground; to cause to stick fast in gravel or sand.
When we were fallen into a place between two seas, they
Willam the Conqueror . . . chanced as his arrival to be
3. To check or stop; to embarrass; to perplex. [Colloq.]
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4. To hurt or lame (a horse) by gravel lodged between the shoe and foot.