INFANT - Definiția din dicționar
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In"fant (?), n. [L.
And tender cries of
2. (Law) A person who is not of full age, or who has not attained the age of legal capacity; a person under the age of twenty-one years; a minor.
&hand_; An infant under seven years of age is not penally responsible; between seven and fourteen years of age, he may be convicted of a malicious offense if malice be proved. He becomes of age on the day preceding his twenty-first birthday, previous to which time an infant has no capacity to contract.
3. Same as
In"fant (?), a. 1. Of or pertaining to infancy, or the first period of life; tender; not mature; as, infant strength.
2. Intended for young children; as, an infant school.
In"fant, v. t. [Cf. F.
This worthy motto, “No bishop, no king,” is . . .